速報APP / 教育 / Physics Dictionary (Volume 2)

Physics Dictionary (Volume 2)





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:ODTÜ Teknokent

Physics Dictionary (Volume 2)(圖1)-速報App

PHYDICS ( Physics Dictionary Series ) is an offline, interactive dictionary of physics concepts.

Physics Dictionary (Volume 2)(圖2)-速報App

Volume 2 of PHYDICS presents over 50 physics concepts under 4 main topics in an enjoyful and interactive way. The main topics are as follows:

Physics Dictionary (Volume 2)(圖3)-速報App

* Energy Physics

Physics Dictionary (Volume 2)(圖4)-速報App

* Force & Motion Physics

Physics Dictionary (Volume 2)(圖5)-速報App

* Heat & Temperature Physics

Physics Dictionary (Volume 2)(圖6)-速報App

* Matter Physics

Physics Dictionary (Volume 2)(圖7)-速報App

Each and every physics concept contained within the scope of PHYDICS is explained with the help of daily life based animations and interactive simulations. Physical reality and plentifulness of scenarios form the basis of provided simulations.

Physics Dictionary (Volume 2)(圖8)-速報App